Saturday, July 29, 2023

Trainee's Learnings from Online & Offline Class

Digital Media Marketing Class

The Online Class of Digital Media Marketing was an enriching experience. The course content was well-structured, covering various aspects of digital marketing comprehensively. The Guest lect. Was Mrs. Harshita Nigam, Program delivery expert from Genpect Banglore.

She was knowledgeable and engaging, keeping the sessions interactive and informative. We particularly got many info to apply the concepts in real-world scenarios. Overall, the class provided valuable insights into the world of digital media marketing.

Public Administration Class

The workshop on the Role and importance of Public Administration in the news media industry was truly enlightening. The discussions about how government policies and regulations can shape media content were eye-opening.
The speaker Mr. Avinash Senior research scholar, Public Administration Department - University of Lucknow, has given various insights into the delicate balance between freedom of the press and public interest were thought-provoking. Overall, it was a well-organized, providing valuable knowledge for professionals in both Public Administration and the media sector.

VISIT - Hindustan Times , lucknow

Group Photo with Editor, Lucknow-edition

We had the privilege of visiting Hindustan Times newspaper, Lucknow office. Visit was hosted by Editor Sunil Dwivedi, and it was an exceptional experience. The entire visit was well-organized, and Mr. Dwivedi's warm welcome and insightful presentation left a lasting impression. It was fascinating to witness the inner workings of a reputable news organization and gain a deeper understanding of the journalistic process.

The discussions with the editorial team were engaging, and they demonstrated a high level of professionalism and dedication to their craft. Mr. Dwivedi's expertise and passion for journalism were evident throughout the visit, and his willingness to share his knowledge with us was truly appreciated.

The highlight of the visit was the opportunity to witness firsthand the newsroom's energy and commitment to delivering accurate and unbiased news to the readers. The attention to detail and commitment to journalistic integrity were inspiring.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Trainee's Experience of Uttar Pradesh Archives Visit

 A Peep into the culture of u.p. at the state archives


During a field visit organized by JanManas News, the interns had the opportunity to explore the Uttar Pradesh State Archives, which are under the control of the Department of Cultural Affairs, Government of Uttar Pradesh. The visit provided budding journalists with a deeper understanding of Uttar Pradesh's history and culture.

Amitabh Pandey, a technical assistant, accompanied the interns and showcased the rich cultural and historical significance of the state. He guided them through the archives, proudly presenting the extensive collection of data and documents related to the capital city, Lucknow. Mr. Pandey also stressed the importance of preserving historical records, sharing effective methods that have maintained the archives' pristine condition.

The archives house a total of three collections, each containing valuable and informative documents reflecting the past. The oldest document in the archives dates back to 1803, encompassing a diverse range of materials like letters, newspapers, maps, and telegram messages.

Continuing the tour, Mr. Pandey handed over the reins to the skilled lab technicians, who exemplified the preservation and restoration processes for damaged documents. The technicians demonstrated the use of various chemicals and techniques, including fumigation, to restore the documents effectively.

This informative and the historically enriching visit concluded with a meeting with Director Uma Dwivedi. She shared words of wisdom and motivation, urging the interns to strive for excellence in their endeavours. Director Dwivedi emphasized the significance of acknowledging and promoting our heritage and culture, encouraging the interns to seek authentic knowledge.

Group Photo with Joint-Secretry, Cultural Ministry - UP Govt.

सभ्यता बचाये रखने के लिए अतीत का संरक्षण जरुरी : उमा द्विवेदी

दस्तावेजी सांस्कृतिक विरासत को संरक्षित व प्रचारित कर रहा उ•प्र• राजकीय अभिलेखागार

Report by Shivam Pandey

दिनांक 17/07/23 सोमवार को उत्तर प्रदेश की राजधानी लखनऊ में स्थित राजकीय अभिलेखागार मे जनमानस न्यूज़ की टीम पहुंची जहाँ पर उत्तर प्रदेश राजकीय अभिलेखागार की निदेशक श्रीमती उमा द्विवेदी जी एवं तकनीकी सहायक श्री अमिताभ पांडे जी से भेंट वार्ता हुई। अमिताभ पांडे जी ने अभिलेखागार के बारे में बताते हुए कहा की हमारे पास वर्ष 1803 से अब तक के कई जरूरी दस्तावेज हैं और चन्द्रशेखर आज़ाद, सुभाष चन्द्र बोस आदि जैसे तमाम स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों के ऐतिहासिक पत्र एवं पाण्डुलिपि मौजुद हैं | अमिताभ जी ने अभिलेखागार का भ्रमड़ करवाते हुए बताया कि हम लोग यहाँ पर सभी जरूरी दस्तावेजों को बेहद संभाल कर रखते हैं और यदि कीड़े आदि लग जाते हैं तो उपयुक्त मशीनों और उचित केमिकल द्वारा उसकी सफाई की जाती है। 

राजकीय अभिलेखागार की निर्देशक श्रीमती उमा द्विवेदी जी ने कहा कि "मुझे गर्व है कि मैं यहाँ की निर्देशक हूँ, जहाँ देश कि संस्कृति से जुड़ी ऐतिहासिक चीज़ों का संग्रह है, किसी भी सभ्यता को बचाए रखने के लिए अतीत का संरक्षण जरुरी है, और उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार इसके प्रति सक्रिय रूप से कार्य कर रही है "|

Trainee's Learnings from Advertising Class

Shivam Pandey नमस्कार मेरा नाम शिवम है और मैं कल 19.07.23 ऑनलाइन वर्कशॉप एडवरटाइजिंग क्लास में जुड़ा था जिसकी क्लास अभिषेक तिवारी जी ने ली थी। इस क्लास में कई तरह के एडवर्टाइजमेंट दिखाए गए जैसे Nike Just Do It का एडवर्टाइजमेंट, Audi R8 super bowl, Coca cola, Absolute: The walk और Johnnie Walker The Journey - A single step जैसे एडवर्टाइजमेंट दिखाए गए और उसके बारे में पूछा गया कि आपको इसमें क्या नजर आया और इसमें सिखाया गया की एडवर्टाइजमेंट और कैंपेनिंग में क्या अंतर है और एडवर्टाइजमेंट कैसे बनाया जाता है उसको कैसे तैयार किया जाता है इसके बारे में बताया गया। कुल मिलाकर क्लास बहुत अच्छी लगी और काफी कुछ सीखने को मिला |

Kaustubh SrivastavaAdvertising the ideals : 

In simple words advertising is a medium used to grab the attention of people onto some product, service or campany.

In today's world we are surrounded by advertisement every where, whether it is online ads, YouTube ads, billboards, magzines, newspaper, television ,and much more. It is highly impossible to ignore them as they are purposely designed to grab the attention of people to give them the zest of the campany. It also acts as a bridge for communication between campany and people, it helps campany to convey it's motives and purpose of doing or building the whole thing , And the most important thing it gives details of the product or service.

There are many types of advertisement in which serogate is one of the most complex one's as one can not tell about anything directly they have to make it look like, it is portraying something else while Encouraging  the brand in the advertisement.
In the class we talked about many campanies who are well respected and huge brands whose advertisement should match thier level of ideals and ideations. My favourite ad was "absolut walk" because of it's complexity yet it was so beautiful and put together so well that it forces to grab the attention of the people.
At last , I just want to ask a question to everybody what if advertisement vanish from our life completely and how it will effect our life.

जयघोष बना युवा पत्रकारों का मार्ग दर्शक

11 जुलाई 2023 की सुबह उत्तर प्रदेश सांस्कृतिक मंत्रालय के अंतर्गत संचालित व संगीत नाटक अकादमी स्थित रेडियो जयघोष में हुई जनमानस के युवा पत्रकारों के साथ चर्चा।

इस चर्चा  में युवा पत्रकारों के मार्गदर्शन हेतु रेडियो जयघोष प्रमुख आर•जे• राधे श्याम दीक्षित ने, अपने ढाई दशकों से अधिक के अनुभवों को सभी जनमानस न्यूज़ के प्रशिक्षु पत्रकारों से साझा करने के साथ ही साथ सभी प्रशिक्षुओं की भ्रान्तियों को दूर करते हुए, सभी के सवालों के संतोषकारी जवाब मजबूत उदाहरणों के साथ दिए जो दुविधाओं को समाप्त करने में मददगार साबित हुए, उन्होंने बढ़ती टेक्नोलॉजी के प्रभाव व स्टार्ट अप कल्चर पर भी विशेष रूप से ज़ोर दिया था। 

इसी के साथ सभी ने रेडियो जयघोष की गतिविधियों को देखा और वहाँ के स्टूडियो का दौरा करते वक्त रेडियो प्रसारण की तकनीक को समझा, जिसके पश्चात् प्रशिक्षुओं को जनसंख्या विस्फोट विषय पर चल रहे लाईव पैनल का हिस्सा बनने का मौका भी मिला पूरे कार्यक्रम में जयघोष से आर•जे• समरीन और संस्थान के अन्य कर्मचारी मौजूद रहे तो वहीं टीम जनमानस से संपादकीय निदेशक प्रखर श्रीवास्तव व आकाश थापा, एशा, निर्भय सिंह, अम्बिकेश, कौस्तुभ, शिवम पाण्डेय आदि मौजूद रहे |

रेडियो मिर्ची ने दिए, प्रशिक्षु पत्रकारों को सफलता के मूलमंत्र

12 जुलाई 23 , बुधवार को जनमानस न्यूज़ के प्रशिक्षु पत्रकारों ने राजधानी के विभूति खंड स्थित रेडियो मिर्ची 98.3 में विज़िट किया | जहाँ आर•जे• प्रतीक ने सभी से भावी भविष्य पर वार्ता करने के साथ ही पेशे से संबंधित निजी अनुभव भी साझा किए | जिसके बाद आर•जे खुशबू ने अपने दोस्ताना लहज़े से प्रशिक्षुओं से जुड़ कर उन्हें मिर्ची स्टूडियो की यात्रा कराई जहाँ रेडियो पर बोलने के तौर-तरीकों के साथ ही साथ सावधानियों और संचालन की तकनीकों के बारे में विस्तार से बताया, जिस दौरान प्रशिक्षुओं ने जिज्ञासा से भरे तमाम सवाल पूछे तो वहीं उनसे भी कई सवाल ट्रेनर्स द्वारा पूछे गए इसके अतिरिक्त थ्री वाल कॉन्सेप्ट की एहमियत और डंब बटन की आवश्यकता के बारे में भी बताया |

कार्यक्रम के दूसरे सत्र में रेडियो पर बोले जाने वाली सामग्री की स्क्रीप्ट आदि के बारे में कॉपी राइटर अविनाश ने एक घंटे की कार्यशाला में अपने अनुभवों और चुनौतियों के साथ ही रेडियो लेखन की बारीकियों के बारे में बताया.

कार्यक्रम में रेडियो मिर्ची लखनऊ की टीम हेड आर•जे• अदिति, आर•जे• प्रतीक, आर•जे• खुशबु व कॉपी राइटर अविनाश मौजूद रहे तो वहीं टीम जनमानस से प्रखर श्रीवास्तव, आकाश थापा, एशा, निर्भय सिंह, अंबिकेश, कौस्तुभ, शिवम पांडे आदि मौजूद रहे |


Spicing it up with "Mirchi" - Akash Thapa, Lucknow 

12 July, 2023, day 2 of the Janmanas internship programme cruised its way on the second pitstop visit to Mirchi FM studio office in the Shalimar building. Amidst the plethora of questions and stories of the Mirchi team, a day of great learning helped in the growth and satisfying the perpetual curiosity of the Janmanas interns with utter satisfaction and fun.

A visit of joy that started with an RJ session with RJ Khushboo and the basics of console handling ended with a personal conversation with a talented young writer, Avinash, who had been the workforce behind the creativity of Mirchi in the pre-production.

A teekha visit at Radio Mirchi - Esha, Lucknow 

On July 12th, Interns from JanManas News visited the Radio Mirchi Office to attend a workshop as a part of their field training, courtesy of RJ Aditi that was lead by RJ Khusbhoo whose bubbly personality made the visit a memorable one. Ranging from the devices to the personalities of people she took the interns on a beautiful happy journey later on handing the command over to their skilled Content Writer Avinash who shared his part of the journey with so much enthusiasm and fun which made this visit a fruitful one

Trainee's Learnings from DATA JOURNALISM Class

 निर्भय सिंह ~ जनमानस न्यूज़ में ट्रेनिंग कर रहे लखनऊ विश्वविद्यालय के छात्रों ने सोमवार को तमाम वेबसाइट्स और ऐप्स के द्वारा किए जा रहे आम लोगों के डेटा का कैसे ग़लत उपयोग किया जा रहा उसके बारे में जाना। ऑफ़लाइन आयोजित डेटा पत्रकारिता पर कार्यशाला में ट्रेनीज़ में उत्साह के साथ परस्पर प्रभाव दिखा। लगभग एक घंटे की कार्यशाला में फ़ोन में इनबिल्ट ऐप्स के बारे में बताया की वो ऐप्स कैसे बिना आपके पर्मिशन के आपका कैमरा और माइक का ऐक्सेस कर लेते हैं, फिर आप जो भी गतिविधियां करते हैं सब कुछbरिकॉर्ड होता रहता है। साथ ही मुझे लगता है कि "पत्रकारिता" या "डेटा पत्रकारिता" के निष्कर्ष पर जोर देना महत्वपूर्ण है। इस अभ्यास में केवल डेटा का विश्लेषण करना या उसके लिए डेटा की कल्पना करना शामिल नहीं है, बल्कि इसे दुनिया में जो चल रहा है उसकी सच्चाई के करीब पहुंचने के लिए एक उपकरण के रूप में उपयोग करना चाहिए। मैं डेटा का विश्लेषण और व्याख्या करने में सक्षम होने की क्षमता को एक अलग निर्देश के बजाय आज के अवलोकन के टूलकिट के एक अनिवार्य घटक के रूप में देखता हूँ। अंततः यह सब अच्छे चित्रण और चित्रों के सबसे उपयुक्त तरीकों के बारे में बताया गया है।

KAUSTUBH ~ The importance that data holds in the journalism and day-to-day life of people is commendable. And everyone should consider learning about the data to make their life easy and their information safe. As in current scenario, one of the biggest threats is data theft. Which means someone taking your personal information, hindering privacy, and interfering with your life. There are mainly two types of data namely partial ( opinion based ) and non-partial ( factual ). There are mainly three kind of web from where people can access data firstly and the most common one is the partial web which is the most commonly used web, the second one the deep web more secure and use for secured transactions and lastly the dark web the most controversial web and most difficult to access it. Most people have only little access to the database as most of people do not know how to access it and research about the information they require. To conclude it, I would say it as who holds access to data, also holds the power.

ESHA PARTIAL AND NON PARTIAL DATA : Data journalism involves the utilization of information and facts that are gathered and structured for the purpose of analysis and reporting. In this context, "data" refers to the raw material that journalists use to uncover trends, patterns, and stories. When journalists encounter "partial data," it means they have access to only a fraction of the pertinent information, which may lead to restricted insights and less accurate conclusions. On the contrary, "non-partial data" implies possessing comprehensive and complete information, enabling journalists to delve deeper and offer more reliable insights in their reporting.

Data journalists strive to work with reliable and complete datasets to ensure objectivity and a well-rounded approach in their stories. They are aware of the potential limitations that come with handling partial data and, as a result, are committed to maintaining transparency and upholding the integrity of their work. By doing so, they provide the public with trustworthy and informative news, bolstering the credibility of data-driven journalism as a vital tool for understanding and interpreting complex issues.

ALGORITHMS- The algorithms employed by social media are intricate sets of rules and instructions that determine the content shown to users on their feeds. Social media platforms meticulously design these algorithms to personalize user experiences, boost engagement, and retain user interest on their sites. Key elements encompass gauging content relevance by analyzing user interactions like likes, comments, and shares, prioritizing posts with higher engagement levels, incorporating timely updates to keep users informed, considering user relationships to foster connections, and potentially highlighting sponsored content for advertising revenue. However, the ever-evolving nature of these algorithms raises concerns regarding filter bubbles and their influence on information distribution. Grasping the workings of social media algorithms is vital for users to navigate the digital landscape responsibly and effectively.


The "web" denotes the intricate interconnection of websites and web pages accessible through the Internet. It forms a vast network that facilitates seamless navigation between online resources, creating a virtual tapestry of information. Within this expansive domain, three primary types of web exist: the Surface Web, the Deep Web, and the Dark Web.

  • Surface Web: The Surface Web encompasses the easily searchable and indexed portion of the internet, openly accessible through standard search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. It comprises websites intended for public consumption, ranging from news platforms, e-commerce sites, to social media networks. This visible layer is optimized for easy discovery via common search queries.
  • Deep Web: In contrast, the Deep Web constitutes the vast majority of the internet that remains unindexed by search engines. Hidden from public view, these websites and databases necessitate specific credentials or specialized software to access. Among its content are private user accounts, subscription-based services, academic and research databases, and confidential corporate intranets. Though not inherently malevolent, the obscurity of the Deep Web restricts general accessibility.
  • Dark Web: The Dark Web resides within the Deep Web as a concealed and small clandestine enclave. It can only be accessed through anonymity-enabling tools like Tor (The Onion Router). The Dark Web harbors a realm of illicit activities, including black markets for drugs, weapons, and stolen data, as well as forums catering to hackers and other criminal endeavors. Owing to its encrypted and anonymous nature, the Dark Web poses significant challenges to law enforcement and potential risks to users venturing into this hidden territory.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023


Radio and its impact on Indian citizens


Radio has existed in our society from the past several decades giving us uncountable memories that have been preserved through generations, it was not just a device or a mode of entertainment it was an emotion and it still has the power to take us across generations to reminisce our all-time favorite tunes and melodies.

Radio in this era and decade with some more advances and changes has yet again proven itself to be a very good companion to people of various generations eradicating undesired isolation from news to weather to old classic golden melodies radio has been a medium for everything and is accessible to all irrespective of their caste, age religion, gender identity or orientation, radio is like that one friend we all need, it never differentiates

Radio as a device could haven’t exactly been a mode of entertainment if not for the RJs that make it a better experience, personally I feel RJs are those underrated friends who wouldn’t be physically present for you when you need them but instead are just a radio button away.

I think that being an RJ is a very challenging task in itself, they handle almost everything of course with the help of their teams but yes they are the ones that are presented as the face of radio or any particular show. They would do tasks like scripting, formulation of the content, ideas and the amount of effort they put into making millions of Indians is commendable. It doesn’t only look like an employment form but a moral and social responsibility, they become your gate to the escape from reality if I state is metaphorically. They take up the social responsibilities that range widely from bringing smiles to the faces of everyone to making people aware of things happening around in such a way that it doesn’t sound as stressful as it actually is, probably leaving that to the formal conveyers of news i.e. news channels and other such sources.

One more thing that occupies my head when we talk about RJs is the way they talk, not everyone is blessed with a very desirable and appropriate voice, there are a variety of people and bringing out variety of voices but what makes their voices so commendable and soothing is the voice modulation, the way they practice a certain tonal quality makes their voice even more velvety and makes it easier to understand and communicate the message even if you are in a moving vehicle whatever they say is so clear and audible.

Radio has been such a medium whose listeners are covered in a variety of ranges and is so accessible that people who find it too difficult to read and write can easily listen to it, which makes it very helpful for the illiterate and visually disabled population. It’s so easy to use and with the

advancements of technology is now available on mobile phones as well , not only that but this form of entertainment is now available in web and community format as well

Web and community radio are two mediums that have greatly transformed the way information and entertainment are shared, particularly in India. These platforms have had a significant impact on Indian society, benefiting individuals and communities alike.

Web radio refers to online radio stations accessible through the internet. It offers a wide range of programming that caters to diverse interests and preferences. A primary advantage of web radio is its accessibility. Unlike traditional radio, which relies on broadcast towers and frequency limitations, web radio can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This makes it ideal for people in remote areas without access to traditional radio stations. Web radio enables Indians to listen to their favorite music, news, and shows from anywhere in the country, bridging geographical gaps and fostering unity.

Moreover, web radio provides a platform for independent artists and musicians to showcase their talent. It has created opportunities for lesser-known artists to gain exposure and reach a wider audience. This has contributed to the democratization of the music industry, allowing diverse genres and regional music to thrive. Web radio also enables niche communities and subcultures to connect with

like-minded individuals through specialized programming. Whether it's a radio station dedicated to classical Indian music or an online talk show focusing on social issues, web radio caters to a wide range of interests and helps foster a sense of community.

On the other hand, community radio refers to local, non-profit radio stations run and managed by community members. These stations serve as platforms for local voices to be heard, promoting community engagement and empowerment. In India, community radio has played a vital role in bridging the information gap in rural areas. These stations provide localized news, information, and entertainment that cater to the specific needs of the community they serve. They address local issues, raise awareness about health, education, and social initiatives, and facilitate community discussions. Community radio acts as a powerful tool for rural development and social change, empowering marginalized communities to share their stories and perspectives.

Both web and community radio offer significant benefits to Indians. They provide a platform for cultural preservation by showcasing regional music, languages, and traditions. Additionally, they foster dialogue and encourage civic participation by promoting community-led initiatives and discussions on social, political, and environmental issues. Moreover, these platforms serve as an alternative to mainstream media, amplifying diverse and independent voices.

Web and community radio have become essential means of communication and expression in India. Their accessibility, inclusivity, and community-oriented approach make them invaluable tools for empowering individuals, bridging gaps, and promoting cultural diversity. Whether it's connecting people across vast distances through web radio or amplifying the voices of marginalized communities through community radio

There is another feature added with the radio during this technical boom is podcasting, now radio and podcasting were two different things but now that these two are available on the same platform it also bridges so many gaps. From my perspective, radio and podcasts offer distinct advantages as popular forms of audio content. Each medium provides a unique experience tailored to different preferences.

Radio, known for its live broadcasts and curated programming, offers a real-time and communal listening experience. It enables listeners to tune in to their favorite stations, discover new music, and engage with live shows and discussions. The spontaneous nature of radio fosters a sense of connection and shared experience, as listeners join in simultaneously and interact with the content in the present moment. Additionally, radio encompasses a diverse range of programming, including music, news, talk shows, and live events, catering to a broad audience.

In contrast, podcasts offer on-demand content that can be accessed at any time and from anywhere. They provide a vast selection of topics and cater to niche interests, often featuring hosts who are experts or enthusiasts in their respective fields. Podcasts allow listeners to select specific episodes or series that align with their interests, providing a personalized and focused content consumption experience. Furthermore, podcasts offer opportunities for in-depth discussions and comprehensive exploration of topics, delivering more detailed information compared to radio segments.

Considering a listener's perspective, radio offers a sense of immediacy, community, and serendipity. It appeals to those who enjoy live content, real-time engagement, and a curated listening experience. Conversely, podcasts provide convenience, flexibility, and specialization. They suit listeners who prefer tailored content, in-depth conversations, and the freedom to listen at their own convenience.

After so many advancements, changes and formatting in the radio, they were tailored as per the convenience, flexibility and requirements of the listeners. In the future, radio in India is set to undergo exciting changes and adapt to the evolving media landscape. With advancing technology and the rise of digital platforms, radio will transform and expand its reach.

In the future, radio in India will seamlessly blend traditional broadcasting with online streaming and on-demand services. This means you'll be able to listen to your favorite stations and programs from anywhere with an internet connection. How cool is that? It will give you more freedom to choose what you want to listen to and when. When it comes to content, radio will continue to cater to different interests and niche audiences. You can expect specialized stations and programs focusing on regional music, local news, and community-related topics. It's all about celebrating diversity and connecting with your local community.

So, in a nutshell, the future of radio in India is all about embracing technology, offering personalized experiences, and keeping you entertained and connected wherever you are. Get ready for a whole new radio adventure! 

Trainee's Learnings from Field visits of RADIO STATIONS

Radio : Matching frequency since ages 

REPORT by Akash Thapa, Lucknow

Radio, a powerful medium of communication that has been around for over a century, has played a significant role in shaping the world we live in today. Radio in India has been a part of the country's cultural heritage for over 80 years. It has been a medium of entertainment, information, and education. So here in this article, we will explore the role of radio and its impact on Indian citizens, accumulating the experience of two interactional visits we had with the teams of Radio Jaighosh 107.8 FM, a community radio started recently by the Cultural Ministry of Uttar Pradesh, and Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM of times group.

What is Radio and Its Elements?

Before pondering over the visits, let's just have a brief understanding of radio and its elements.

Radio is a wireless communication system that uses electromagnetic waves to transmit information. A medium of mass communication that has the ability to reach millions of people simultaneously and connect the message of the communicator, radio, has several elements that make it a unique medium of communication. The three essential elements of radio are the transmitter, the receiver, and the message. The transmitter holds the responsibility of converting the message into electromagnetic waves, which are then transmitted through the air. The receiver is responsible for receiving those electromagnetic waves and converting them back into the original message, and the message is nothing but the content that is transmitted through the radio waves.

The two worlds of wonder (Web radio vs. community radio)

Web radio and community radio are two different types of radio broadcasting. Web radio is an online radio station that can be accessed from anywhere in the world. It is a global medium that has the potential to reach millions of listeners. Community radio, on the other hand, is a local radio station that serves a specific community. It is a platform for the community to express their views and opinions. While web radio has a global reach, community radio has a local impact. Both types of radio have their advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to the listener to decide which one they prefer.

In our interactions at both the radio studios, we got to know the perks and hardships of both worlds. Mirchi, a commercial setup of broadcasting, aligned their content and infrastructure in such a way that every time there's something new in the broadcasting sector, they are willing to change accordingly and transform, whereas Jaighosh, a community radio, was setup mostly in the lines of welfare accordance to build or reform a progressive and thoughtful society of harmony.

Voices of the unheard

Radio Jockeys (RJs) are the voice of radio. They are responsible for creating and delivering content to listeners. RJs have a technical and social responsibility to ensure that the content they deliver is of high quality and meets the expectations of their listeners. The technical responsibility of an RJ is to ensure that the sound quality is good, and the content is delivered without any distortion. The social responsibility of an RJ is to ensure that the content is socially responsible and does not offend any community or group of people.

For such issues RJs have different solutions to this problem: in Jaighosh, they pre-record their shows and public interactions, and in Mirchi, a private commercial set up, the content is on air with a 4 to 7 second delay, to edit the fouls.

But one particular thing common to both of these stations is the prowess of their voices and their skills to present their content with ease, which creates an image for listeners.

The Role of Voice Modulation in the World of Radio

Voice modulation is an essential element of radio. It is the art of changing the tone, pitch, and pace of the voice to create an impact on the listeners. Voice modulation is used to create an emotional connection with the listeners and to keep them engaged. It is also used to convey different emotions and moods. Voice modulation is a skill that is developed over time and is an essential tool for RJs.

The prowess of voices we sought and found in both of these setups was just unimaginably beautiful to hear and pleasing RJ Samreen and RJ Prateek are both products of the University of Lucknow and are displaying their skills in two polar dimensions, but still with pleasure.

The clash of the past and future in the present

Discussing the concepts of radio and podcasts, which are two popular forms of audio entertainment. In a conversation with Mr. Radhe Shyam Dixit in Jaighosh, he proposed that we can easily differentiate radio as a live broadcast that is transmitted over the airwaves, which is a mass medium that has been around for over a century. Podcasts, on the other hand, are pre-recorded audio shows that are distributed over the internet. They are available for download and can be listened to at any time. While radio is a live broadcast, podcasts offer the flexibility to listen to shows at any time. Similarly, the new, young, and talented RJ from Mirchi, RJ Khushboo, added during her meet-up with Janmanas News Trainee reporters that radio has a wider reach while podcasts offer a niche audience. Both forms of audio entertainment have their advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to the listener to decide which one they prefer.

Radio from the Point of View of Listeners

Radio has been an integral part of the lives of Indian citizens for over 80 years, and no other mode of mass communication has been able to come close when we analyse it in terms of reach. It has been a medium for the promotion of Indian music, art, and culture. Radio has also been a medium for the promotion of social causes and has been used to create awareness about various issues. A communication tool that made a society thrive in development with education, strive for excellence, and dare to dream when it comes to sports, building an aptitude towards cultural and communal harmony, and lastly, bridging the gap of information disparity between the people of different classes.

The future is here...

In conclusion, we can say, the future of radio is exciting and promising. As technology continues to evolve, so does the radio industry. One of the future trends in radio is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and voice assistants. Listeners will be able to interact with radio stations using voice commands. Another trend that we saw in both stations, Jaighosh and Mirchi, is the rise of podcasting, which is expected to continue to grow in popularity. Radio stations are also expected to increase their online presence with more live streaming and social media engagement. 

Finally, radio stations will continue to focus on local content and community involvement to maintain their relevance in a digital age and be a part of our society and culture like they have always been, with a different purpose and in a different form.


कर्ज पर आधारित "स्मार्ट सिटी" परियोजना

 By- Musharaf Ali

ftu “kgjksa dks LekVZ flVh cukus ds fy, ifj;kstuk ds igys pj.k esa pquk x;k gS ogk¡ ds egkikSj vkSj uxj fuxe ds eq[; vf/kdkfj;ksa dks ohfM;ks ds }kjk tks nks “kgj fn[kk;s tk jgs gSa muesa ls ,d Lisu dk “kgj ^ckflZyksuk* gS vkSj nwljk la;qDr vjc vehjkr dh jkt/kkuh vkcw/kkch ds fudV rS;kj gks jgk “kgj ^elnj* gSA tSls dksbZ fcYMj viuh fdlh gkÅflax ifj;kstuk esa uewus ds rkSj ij dqN edku cukdj mls xzkgdksa dks fn[kkus ds fy, j[krk gS fcYdqy blh rjg LekVZ flVh fuekZ.k ds O;kikj ls tqM+h cgqjk’Vªh; dEifu;ka ^ckflZyksuk* vkSj ^elnj* dks fn[kk jgh gSaA Hkkjr tSls fodkl”khy ns”k ds fuokfl;ksa ds fy;s ftUgksusa bl rjg ds Lopkfyr o lqfo/kklEiUu “kgj ns[ks ugha gSa] muds fy, ;g nksuksa “kgj] fdlh peRdkj ls de ugha gSaA uOos ds n”kd ds ckn tUesa e/; oxZ ds fy, rks ;g “kgj fdlh lius ds iwjs gksus tSls gSA ysfdu bl pdkpkaS/k Hkjs lius ds ihNs dgha dksbZ va/kdkj Hkh fNik gS bl loky ij lEHkor% vHkh xkSj ugh fd;k x;k gSA

tSlk fd dgk tk jgk gS fd Hkkjr esa tks “kgj LekVZ flVh cuus tk jgs gSa og ^ckflZyksuk* vkSj ^elnj* dh VDdj ds gksaxs ;g ckr lquus esa cgqr vPNh yxrh gS ysfdu D;k Hkkjr] Lisu o la;qDr vjc vehjkr ds leku fodflr] ^ekuo fodkl lwpdkad* vkSj ^izfr O;fDr okf’kZd vk;* ds ekeys esa muds tSlk ugh cfYd D;k muds vkl&ikl Hkh iagqp pqdk gS \ LekVZ flVh ifj;kstuk dks Lohdkj djus ls igys bl loky dk tokc gesa t+#j ryk”k ysuk pkfg;sA

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Lkksfo;r la?k ds fc[kj tkus ds ckn 90 ds n”kd esa tc nqfu;kHkj esa uomnkjokn ds uke ls ubZ vkfFkZd uhfr;ka ykxw dh tk jgh Fkha rc fo”o cSad o vUrjkZ’Vªh; eqnzkdks’k ls tqM+s vFkZ”kkL=h] dt+Z ij vk/kkfjr ,slh fuekZ.k ifj;kstuk;sa cspus esa yxs gq;s Fks ftuls u dsoy bl m|ksx ls tqM+h cgqjkZ’Vªh; dEifu;ksa dks jkst+xkj fey lds cfYd bu vUrjkZ’Vªh; dt+Znkrk ,tsfUl;ksa dk C;kt+ ij vk/kkfjr dkjksckj Hkh Qy&Qwy ldsA fo”o esa tkjh blh ;kstuk ds Øe esa Lisu us tc vius ;gk¡ ^fj;y LVsV* dh “kq#vkr dh rks vFkZO;oLFkk esa ;dk;d mNky vk x;kA tc vki vius jgus ds fy, ^fj;y LVsV* esa iSlk yxkrs gSa rks og ,d lgh mís”; gksrk gS ysfdu tc vki blesa O;kikj ds edln ls iawth fuos”k djrs gSa rks mlls “kq# esa vFkZO;oLFkk esa ,d udyh mNky iSnk gksrk gSA yksxksa dh fuos”k djus dh viuh izkFkfedrk;sa gksrh gSa ysfdu tc ljdkj ;g pkgs fd yksx viuh izkFkfedrk;sa NksM+dj mlds }kjk iSnk dh x;h cukoVh ;k xSjt+#jh izkFkfedrkvksa esa viuh tek ;k m/kkj ysdj iawth fuos”k djsa rks mlds fy, mls foÙkh; {ks= esa rjg&rjg dk izksRlkgu nsuk iM+rk gSA Lisu ds ^Hkou fuekZ.k {ks=* esa ^udyh ekax* iSnk djus ds fy, ljdkj us cSadks }kjk dt+Z nsus dh Hkkjh NwV ij vk/kkfjr ;kstuk;as vkjEHk dhaA blls lEifÙk dh dherksa esa o`f) gksus yxhA 1985 ls 1991 ds chp ogk¡ t+ehu vkSj edkuksa dh dhers rhu xquk gks x;hA 1992 ls 1996  ds chp fLFkj jgdj ;g fQj 1996 ls 2007 ds chp 200 izfr”kr c<+ x;haA b/kj cSadks }kjk fj;k;rh dt+Z ck¡Vus ls o’kZ 2000 ls 2008 ds chp Lisfu”k ifjokjksa ij dt+Z 260 fcfy;u ;wjksa ls c<+dj 900 fcfy;u ;wjks gks x;k vkSj ;g 25 izfr”kr okf’kZd dh nj ls c<+us yxkA m/kj vkS|ksfxd dEifu;ksa ij ;g dt+Z ,d yk[k djksM+ ;wjks gks x;k vkSj bl vof/k esa Lisu dk futh {ks= th-Mh-ih- dk 290 izfr”kr dt+Znkj FkkA bl dt+Z ds iSls us [kpZ djus dh izo`fÙk c<+k nh] yksx vuki&”kuki [kpZ djus yxs ftlls ckt+kj esa fcxkM+ iSnk gks x;kA m/kj lEifÙk dkjksckj esa vk;h rst+h us ljdkj dh dj&jktLo izkIrh vkdk”k ij iagqpk nh vkSj blls th-Mh-ih- dh okf’kZd o`f) nj c<+ x;hA bl o`f) dks viuh uhfr;ksa dh dkfe;kch le>dj o blls mRlkfgr gksdj Lkjdkj us foÙkh; {ks= dks <hy nsnh vkSj cSafdax O;oLFkk ij fuxjkuh j[kus okyh laLFkk] ^bUVusZ”kuy ,dkÅfUVax LVsUMMZ cksMZ* }kjk fu/kkZfjr ekudksa dh vogsyuk djus dh cSadks dks btkt+r nsnh x;hA fuxjkuh esa nh x;h bl <hy ds dkj.k cSad vius ?kkVs vkSj equkQ+s esa vk jgs mrkj&p<+ko dks Nqikus yxsA og fu;a=dks] fo”ys’kdksa vkSj fuos”kdksa dks xqejkg djus yxsA tSls Hkkjr esa vktdy cSad] dkjiksjsV }kjk dt+Z okil ugh djus ls fufeZr xSj fu’ikfnr lEifRr ;kfu ^,u-ih-,-* dks ^fjLVªdpfjax* o ^jkbZV vkWQ* ds ek/;e ls Nqik jgs gSa fcYdqy ;gh rjhdk Lisu ds cSad viukus yxsA cSadks }kjk fd;s tkus okys ^fjLVªdpfjax* dk eryc gksrk gS fd dt+Znkj dks vkSj u;k dt+Z nsdj mlesa olwyk ugh tkus okyk dt+Z tksM+dj mls ,u-ih-,- ls ckgj dj nsukA ^jkbZV vkWQ+* dk eryc dt+Z dks cês&[kkrs esa Mky nsuk gSA yksxksa dks tks dgk tk jgk Fkk fd lEifRr&ckt+kj esa yEch vof/k ds fy, fd;k tkus okyk fuos”k ykHknk;d fl) gksxk og iwjh rjg Nykok lkfcr gqvkA bl ^fod`r vkfFkZd izksRlkgu* vkSj izpkj us fuos”kdks ds lkFk&lkFk gt+kjksa ukStokuksa dks xqejkg dj fn;k vkSj og Hkh viuh mPp f”k{kk dks NksM+dj vklkuh ls gkfly bl udn dekbZ esa yx x;sA ml le; ^eSfdUls Xykscy bULVhV;wV* us fy[kk fd x`gfuekZ.k esa vk;s bl mNky us 15 yk[k vf/kd edku cuk fn;s ftUgsa cspus ds fy, ,d n”kd ls T+;knk dk le; njdkj gSA bl le; Lisu ds 1 djksM+ 65 yk[k ifjokjksa ds ikl 2 djksM+ 20 yk[k edku FksA ;g 2001 ls 2007 dh vof/k ds chp cuk;s x;s Fks ftuesa ls 28 izfr”kr [kkyh gSaA bl fLFkfr us lEifRr dh dherksa esa fxjkoV yk nhA 2007 ls 2013 ds chp lEifRr dh dhers 30 izfr”kr uhps pyh x;ha vkSj 2015 esa ;g fxjkoV 50 izfr”kr gks x;hA 2008 dh rhljh frekgh esa fj;y LVsV dk ;g xqCckjk Q+wV x;k vkSj lEifRr ckt+kj /kM+ke ls uhps vk fxjkA ;g Lisu dh egkeanh dh “kq#vkr FkhA bldk lcls [kjkc vlj cSadks ij iM+kA mudh fj;y LVsV dks nh x;h iawth Qal x;h ftlds dkj.k muij iawth rjyrk dh deh vk x;hA cSadks dks nhokfy;k gksus ls cpkus ds fy, ljdkj us ckaM tkjh fd;s vkSj dt+Z ysus ds fy, vkosnu fd;k ysfdu Lisu dh dt+Z lk[k dks vUrjZk’Vªh; jsfVax ,tsfUl;ksa us ^fVªiy ,* ls fxjkdj ^fVªiy ch* dj fn;k ftlls foRrh; laLFkk;sa mUgsa dt+Z nsus ls drjkus yxhaA eanh us dj jktLo esa fxjkoV yk nhA m|ksx fnokfy;k gksus yxsA 2007 ls 2013 ds chp 37240 NksVs m|ksx nhokfy;k gks x;sA ladV ds iwoZ m|ksxksa ds nhokfy;k gksus dh nj 900 m|ksx izfr o’kZ Fkh tks c<+dj 5000 izfr o’kZ gks x;hA blus csjkst+xkjh dks tUe fn;kA vizsy 2012 esa ogk 56 yk[k yksx csjkst+xkj Fks bues ukStokuks dh la[;k 50 izfr”kr FkhA fuekZ.k {ks= esa vk;h rst+h us 2007 esa 9 yk[k u;s jkst+xkj iSnk fd;s Fks ysfdu eanh ds igys gh nks lkyksa esa 8 yk[k jkst+xkj lekIr gks x;sA turk dh [kjhnus dh “kfDr ?kV tkus ls dt+Z nsus dk O;kikj fldqM+ x;k vkSj eanh us O;kikj o m|kSx esa u;s fuos”k dks jksd fn;kA y?kq o e/;e vkS|ksfxd bdkbZ;ks ij 2007 esa tks dt+Z 394 fcfy;u ;wjks Fkk og 2012 esa ?kVdj 146 fcfy;y ;wjks jg x;k blh rjg O;kikj esa dt+Z 991 fcyf;u ;wjks ls ?kVdj 485 fc0;wjks jg x;kA dkjksckj esa vk;h bl egkeanh us Lisu dk pkyw[kkrk ?kVk c<+k fn;k ysfdu ;g fLFkfr Hkh T+;knk nsj fVd ugh ik;h D;ksafd oLrqvksa dh vkUrfjd ekax u jgus ls pkyw[kkrk ?kkVk 10 izfr”kr ls ?kVdj 5 ikap izfr”kr jg x;kA m/kj eqnzkLQ+hfr nj ;k eagxkbZ&nj 2013 esa “kwU; ij vk x;h vkSj fQj 2014 esa “kwU; ls 1 izfr”kr uhps pyh x;hA 2012 esa Lisu us ^;wjksfi;u LVsfcfyVh eSdsfuT+e* ls 100 fcfy;u ;wjks dt+Z izkIr fd;kA dt+Z ds lkFk ^ferO;rk* dh “krsZ ykxw gq;h ftlds vuqikyu esa Lisu ljdkj us tudY;k.kdkjh ctV esa dVkSrh dj nh] deZpkfj;ksa ds osru&HkRrs tke dj fn;s x;s] cSadks dh C;kt+ nj de dj nh vkSj ^oSV* c<+k fn;k x;kA ferO;rk mik;ksa ls ladV vkSj ?kuhHkwr gks x;kA turk ljdkj ds f[kykQ+ lM+d ij mrj vk;h vkSj fojks/k izn”kZu “kq#  gks x;kA

ftl rjg vkt Hkkjr esa ^fj;y LVsV* ladV esa gS vkSj iwjs ns”k esa 6 yk[k edku fcd ugh ik jgs gSa Lisu dh gkykr blls dbZ xquk [kjkc gSA Hkkjr esa tks yksx ^cklhZyksuk* dks LekVZ flVh ds ekWMy ds #i esa is”k dj jgs gSa og ;g ugha fn[kk jgs gSa fd mlls 650 fdyksehVj dh nwjh ij ^lslsuk* uked vU; uxj gS tgk¡ 30 gt+kj yksxksa ds fy, 13 gt+kj vikVZesaUV cukus dh ;kstuk “kq# dh x;h Fkh ysfdu ik¡p lky ckn dsoy 5100 cu ik;s gSa vkSj mlesa Hkh dsoy 20 izfr”kr fcd ik;s gSaA jkt/kkuh esfMªM ls ,d ?kUVs dh MªkbZo ij ^;scsl* uxj gS ogk¡ 30 gt+kj yksxksa ds fy, 9000 edku cuus Fks dsoy 1500 rS;kj gks ik;s gSa vkSj mlesa Hkh dsoy rhu gt+kj yksx cl ik;s gSaA ^fl;wMkM fj;y ,;jiksVZ* vkSj ^dkLVsyksu dksLVk vtgj ,;jiksVZ* tks 1100 djksM+ ;wjks ls cuk;s x;s Fks og ohjku iM+s gSaA

vejhdk es 2008 esa vk;h egkeanh dk dkj.k gh ^Hkou fuekZ.k* ds xqCckjs dks Qqyk;k tkuk gSA ;g vejhdk dk ^fxjoh ladV* ¼lcizkbZe&ekVZxst ØkbZlsl½ dgykrk gSA nqfu;k blls vHkh mHkj ugh ik;h gS fQj Hkh bl dkjksckj ls tqM+h cgqjk’Vªh; dEifu;ka vius izHkko okys jktusrkvksa] ikfVZ;ksa dks bl ifj;kstuk dks vius ns”k esa ykxw djus ds fy, rS;kj djus esa yxh gq;h gSaA vf/kdrj nf{k.kiaFkh fopkj/kkjk okys jktusrk vkSj ikfVZ;ka bl ifj;kstuk dks vius ;gk¡ ykxw dj jgh gSaA Hkkjr Hkh mlesa ls ,d gS ftlus bu dEifu;ksa dh ifj;kstuk dks eat+wj dj fy;k gSA ljdkj us ikap lky ds fy, 100 LekVZ flVh dk ctV 48000 djksM+ j[kk gS tcfd ^LekVZ dkSfUly vkWQ bfUM;k* ds laLFkkid o funs”kd fnyhi iMksMs us chl lky rd rhu yk[k djksM+ #i;s izfro’kZ [kpZ vkus dk vuqeku yxk;k gSA tks ljdkj iSls u gksus dk rdZ nsdj iwjs ns”k ds LokLF; ;kfu ^us”kuy gSYFk fe”ku* dk ctV dqy 18875 djksM+ #i;s j[krh gS og gj lky LekVZ flVh ifj;kstuk ds fy, rhu yk[k djksM+ #i;s dgk¡ ls yk;sxhA t+kfgj gS ;g lc dt+Z ij vk/kkfjr gksxkA geij igys gh ekpZ 2023 rd fons”kh dt+Z 624-7 fcfy;u Mkyj gS tks th-Mh-ih- dk 18-9 izfr”kr gSA blds vykok gekjk O;kikj ?kkVk 12200 djksM+ Mkyj igaqp pqdk gS ,sls gkykr esa LekVZ flVht+ ds fy, fons”kksa ls fMftVy midj.k eaxkus ij O;kikj ?kkVk tks vHkh th-Mh-ih- dk Ms<+ izfr”kr gS og c<+dj vkdk”k Nwus yxsxkA m/kj rhu yk[k djksM+ #i;s ekfld vfrfjDr [kpZ ds fy, fons”kh dt+Z gekjh jh<+ rksM+ nsxkA bl dt+Z ds cnys esa ^ferO;rk&mik;* dh vkSj “krsZ ykxw gksaxh ftlls lekt esa gkgkdkj ep tk;sxkA vHkh le; gS fd ge blij xEHkhjrk ls fopkj djsa vkSj Hkfo’; esa vkus okyh bl vkQ+r dks jksdus ds fy, ljdkj ij ncko cuk;saA